How to Deliver Unique Coupon Codes From Your WordPress, Squarespace or Any Other Website?


Before you start there are some things you need:

  • A website or landing page that will host the voucher pop-up
  • A VoucherJet Account that will send the voucher email
  • The list of unique voucher codes to be send out


In this document we will show you how to distribute unique coupon codes via email to visitors of your website.
It does not matter if your are running your website on Wordpress, Squarespace, Jimdo or any other page builder, our voucher pup-up will integrate with any page by adding a small JavaScript snippet.
Once a visitor enters their email address we will take care about the code distribution.

To get the integration running the following steps are necessary:

  1. Create a new Configuration.
  2. Upload your voucher codes into the Code List.
  3. Add a JavaScript snippet to your page the will connect with the VoucherJet Pop-Up/Form.
  4. Testing and customizing the voucher Code Email

Create a new Configuration

Navigate to the "Configurations" page and click on the "Create Configuration" button on the to right hand side of the screen.

Select the "Pop-Up/Form" configuration template and enter a name your would like to use. This name will be only used as a description in your account and is not visible to the customer.

create configuration

Upload your voucher codes into the Code List

The Code List is the source of the unique codes for the Configuration.

To upload new codes or edit the list click on "Code Upload" in the "Code List" section. Scroll to the bottom of the window down to the big text input field. Use this text field to paste your codes and upload them into the list. You can also upload a text file containing the codes.

Please only add one code per line and a max. of 500 codes per upload.

create configuration

Add Voucher Pop-Up/Form to your Website

The integration into your page takes two steps:

The code for both can be found in the configuration.

create configuration

1) Add JavaScript

Add the JavaScipt snippet into/near the HTML <head> section of your page. Depending on your page builder there are different ways to do so:

2) Add "Get Discount" Button

After the snippet is installed you need to decide where you want to add the button or link that will open the pop-up. Just copy & paste it at the desired position in your page
The <button> or <a> (link) HTML tag comes without any styling and will therefore adopt to the gives layout/styles of your page.

Customizing the pop-up

To edit some basic config and copy of the pop-up click the "Edit" button.

edit voucher from

Testing and customizing the response

You can test by clicking the "Test Pop-Up" button and filling out the form. Submit the from and then check if the contact was added to your VoucherJet Code List. You should also receive the email including the voucher code.

test voucher popup

We have set up default code email but if you want to change the text or HTML just click "Edit" in the action panel.

edit codemail


Adding the VoucherJet Pop-Up to your page is very easy and only takes a few steps using some JavaScript and a VoucherJet Configuration.
If you have any further questions you can email us at

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